There are two locations that a Product can be edited. The 'Product List' Page and the 'Product Fee List' Page. The 'Product List' and 'Product Edit' Pages are only used to update basic product information. The 'Product Fee List' Page is used to update product cost and fee information.
Product List Page
The 'Product List' page can be used to update basic information about the product. ย As well as on the product list page you can also edit this same information on the 'Product Edit' page, which can be found by clicking the 'Gear' icon on the product.
The information you can edit on these pages include:
Name - The name that appears in HelloProfit
Groupings - A tag to help sort for this product
Dashboard - Whether you would like for this product to show up on the 'Merchant Dashboard'.
Active - Whether this product is active or inactive on Amazon
Clothing - Whether this product should be categorized as clothing.
Media - Whether this product should be categorized as media.
Product Fee List Page
The 'Product Fees' page can be used to update your product costs and product fees. You can navigate to this page by selecting the 'Product Fees' tab at the top of the 'Product List' page.
What you can edit on this page includes:
Unit Cost - Entered in your default currency.
Ship Cost - Entered in your default currency.
Referral Percentage - Represented as a decimal.